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 Here are the staff publications for April 2020.

Compiled by the Health Sciences Library (RMH, RWH, PMCC & Victorian Mental Health) 4th May 2020.


1. Adams S, Diéras V, Barrios CH, Winer EP, Schneeweiss A, Iwata H, Loi S, Patel S, Henschel V, Chui SY, Rugo HS, Emens LA, Schmid P. Patient-reported outcomes from the phase III IMpassion130 trial of atezolizumab plus nab-paclitaxel in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Annals of Oncology 2020;31:582-9.

2. Atkinson V, Sandhu S, Hospers G, Long GV, Aglietta M, Ferrucci PF, Tulyte S, Cappellini GCA, Soriano V, Ali S, Poprach A, Cesas A, Rodriguez-Abreu D, Lau M, de Jong E, Legenne P, Stein D, King B, van Thienen JV. Dabrafenib plus trametinib is effective in the treatment of BRAF V600-mutated metastatic melanoma patients: analysis of patients from the dabrafenib plus trametinib Named Patient Program (DESCRIBE II). Melanoma Research 2020;30:261-7.

3. Bakst RL, Campbell BA, Pinnix CC. PET Guided Therapy for Early Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma: Are We Positive About a Negative Interim Scan? International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 2020;107:12-7.

4. Chappaz S, Law CW, Dowling MR, Carey KT, Lane RM, Ngo LH, Wickramasinghe VO, Smyth GK, Ritchie ME, Kile BT. Germline heterozygous mutations in Nxf1 perturb RNA metabolism and trigger thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia in mice. Blood Advances 2020;4:1270-83.

5. Coles CE, Aristei C, Bliss J, Boersma L, Brunt AM, Chatterjee S, Hanna G, Jagsi R, Kaidar Person O, Kirby A, Mjaaland I, Meattini I, Luis AM, Marta GN, Offersen B, Poortmans P, Rivera S. International Guidelines on Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists) 2020;32:279-81.

6. Czernin J, Fanti S, Meyer PT, Allen-Auerbach M, Hacker M, Sathekge M, Hicks R, Scott AM, Hatazawa J, Yun M, Schöder H, Bartenstein P, Herrmann K. Nuclear Medicine Operations in the Times of COVID-19: Strategies, Precautions, and Experiences. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2020;61:626-9.

7. Davids MS, Kuss BJ, Hillmen P, Montillo M, Moreno C, Essell J, Lamanna N, Nagy Z, Tam CS, Stilgenbauer S, Ghia P, Delgado J, Lustgarten S, Weaver DT, Youssoufian H, Jäger U. Efficacy and Safety of Duvelisib Following Disease Progression on Ofatumumab in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory CLL or SLL in the DUO Crossover Extension Study. Clinical Cancer Research 2020;26:2096-103.

8. Florisson D, Shukla R, Alam N, Wright G. Novel technique for parietal pleural dissection using a laparoscopic hernia balloon. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2020;68:554-6.

9. Gilan O, Rioja I, Knezevic K, Bell MJ, Yeung MM, Harker NR, Lam EYN, Chung CW, Bamborough P, Petretich M, Urh M, Atkinson SJ, Bassil AK, Roberts EJ, Vassiliadis D, Burr ML, Preston AGS, Wellaway C, Werner T, Gray JR, Michon AM, Gobbetti T, Kumar V, Soden PE, Haynes A, Vappiani J, Tough DF, Taylor S, Dawson SJ, Bantscheff M, Lindon M, Drewes G, Demont EH, Daniels DL, Grandi P, Prinjha RK, Dawson MA. Selective targeting of BD1 and BD2 of the BET proteins in cancer and immunoinflammation. Science 2020;368:387-94.

10. Grech LB, Allan M, Butler E. To treat or not to treat study: Comparative group inclusion considerations. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2020;40:101976.

11. Hiller JG, Cole SW, Crone EM, Byrne DJ, Shackleford DM, Pang JB, Henderson MA, Nightingale SS, Ho KM, Myles PS, Fox S, Riedel B, Sloan EK. Preoperative β-Blockade with Propranolol Reduces Biomarkers of Metastasis in Breast Cancer: A Phase II Randomized Trial. Clinical Cancer Research 2020;26:1803-11.

12. Hofman MS. ProPSMA: A Callout to the Nuclear Medicine Community to Change Practices with Prospective, High-Quality Data. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2020;61:676-7.

13. Hofman MS, Lawrentschuk N, Francis RJ, Tang C, Vela I, Thomas P, Rutherford N, Martin JM, Frydenberg M, Shakher R, Wong LM, Taubman K, Ting Lee S, Hsiao E, Roach P, Nottage M, Kirkwood I, Hayne D, Link E, Marusic P, Matera A, Herschtal A, Iravani A, Hicks RJ, Williams S, Murphy DG. Prostate-specific membrane antigen PET-CT in patients with high-risk prostate cancer before curative-intent surgery or radiotherapy (proPSMA): a prospective, randomised, multicentre study. Lancet 2020;395:1208-16.

14. Jenks JD, Seidel D, Cornely OA, Chen S, van Hal S, Kauffman C, Miceli MH, Heinemann M, Christner M, Jover Sáenz A, Burchardt A, Kemmerling B, Herbrecht R, Steinmann J, Shoham S, Gräber S, Pagano L, Deeren D, Slavin MA, Hoenigl M. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of invasive Lomentospora prolificans infections: Analysis of patients in the FungiScope(®) registry. Mycoses 2020;63:437-42.

15. Johnstone CN, Pattison AD, Harrison PF, Powell DR, Lock P, Ernst M, Anderson RL, Beilharz TH. FGF13 promotes metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer 2020;147:230-43.

16. Loeb S, Murphy DG. Evaluating and Optimizing the Use of Social Media in Urology. European Urology Focus 2020;6:425-6.

17. Lung MS, Mitchell CA, Doyle MA, Lynch AC, Gorringe KL, Bowtell DDL, Campbell IG, Trainer AH. Germline whole exome sequencing of a family with appendiceal mucinous tumours presenting with pseudomyxoma peritonei. BMC Cancer 2020;20:369.

18. MacManus MP, Hicks RJ, Bressel M, Campbell BA, Wirth A, Ryan G, Prince HM, Wolf M, Brown R, Seymour JF. Durable Complete Remission and Long-Term Survival in FDG-PET Staged Patients with Stage III Follicular Lymphoma, Treated with Wide-Field Radiation Therapy. Cancers 2020;12.

19. Manning SA, Kroeger B, Harvey KF. The regulation of Yorkie, YAP and TAZ: new insights into the Hippo pathway. Development 2020;147.

20. McEvoy CR, Fox SB, Prall OWJ. Emerging entities in NUTM1-rearranged neoplasms. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 2020;59:375-85.

21. Michaud L, Beattie BJ, Akhurst T, Dunphy M, Zanzonico P, Finn R, Mauguen A, Schöder H, Weber WA, Lassman AB, Blasberg R. (18)F-Fluciclovine ((18)F-FACBC) PET imaging of recurrent brain tumors. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2020;47:1353-67.

22. Nguyen B, Meehan K, Pereira MR, Mirzai B, Lim SH, Leslie C, Clark M, Sader C, Friedland P, Lindsay A, Tang C, Millward M, Gray ES, Lim AM. A comparative study of extracellular vesicle-associated and cell-free DNA and RNA for HPV detection in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports 2020;10:6083.

23. Nüssing S, House IG, Kearney CJ, Chen AXY, Vervoort SJ, Beavis PA, Oliaro J, Johnstone RW, Trapani JA, Parish IA. Efficient CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing in Uncultured Naive Mouse T Cells for In Vivo Studies. Journal of Immunology 2020;204:2308-15.

24. O'Connor E, Teh J, Lawrentschuk N. Robot-assisted ipsilateral ureteroureterostomy in a duplex system utilizing intraoperative flexible ureteroscopy. Urology Case Reports 2020;31:101158.

25. Pagani O, Francis PA, Fleming GF, Walley BA, Viale G, Colleoni M, Láng I, Gómez HL, Tondini C, Pinotti G, Di Leo A, Coates AS, Goldhirsch A, Gelber RD, Regan MM. Absolute Improvements in Freedom From Distant Recurrence to Tailor Adjuvant Endocrine Therapies for Premenopausal Women: Results From TEXT and SOFT. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2020;38:1293-303.

26. Patchett AL, Coorens THH, Darby J, Wilson R, McKay MJ, Kamath KS, Rubin A, Wakefield M, McIntosh L, Mangiola S, Pye RJ, Flies AS, Corcoran LM, Lyons AB, Woods GM, Murchison EP, Papenfuss AT, Tovar C. Two of a kind: transmissible Schwann cell cancers in the endangered Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii). Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2020;77:1847-58.

27. Phillips B, Morgan JE, Haeusler GM, Riley RD. Individual participant data validation of the PICNICC prediction model for febrile neutropenia. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2020;105:439-45.

28. Ribi K, Luo W, Walley BA, Burstein HJ, Chirgwin J, Ansari RH, Salim M, van der Westhuizen A, Abdi E, Francis PA, Chia S, Harvey VJ, Giobbie-Hurder A, Fleming GF, Pagani O, Di Leo A, Colleoni M, Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A, Coates AS, Regan MM, Bernhard J. Treatment-induced symptoms, depression and age as predictors of sexual problems in premenopausal women with early breast cancer receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2020;181:347-59.

29. Ryland GL, Fox LC, Wootton V, Thompson ER, Lickiss J, Trainer AH, Barbaro P, Whyte M, Ritchie D, Blombery P. Severe chemotherapy toxicity in a 10-year-old with T-acute lymphoblastic lymphoma harboring biallelic FANCM variants. Leukemia and Lymphoma 2020;61:1257-9.

30. Sathianathen NJ, Lane Iii R, Murphy DG, Loeb S, Bakker C, Lamb AD, Weight CJ. Social Media Coverage of Scientific Articles Immediately After Publication Predicts Subsequent Citations - #SoME_Impact Score: Observational Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22:e12288.

31. Sathianathen NJ, Lane R, 3rd, Condon B, Murphy DG, Lawrentschuk N, Weight CJ, Lamb AD. Early Online Attention Can Predict Citation Counts for Urological Publications: The #UroSoMe_Score. European Urology Focus 2020;6:458-62.

32. Schmid P, Salgado R, Park YH, Muñoz-Couselo E, Kim SB, Sohn J, Im SA, Foukakis T, Kuemmel S, Dent R, Yin L, Wang A, Tryfonidis K, Karantza V, Cortés J, Loi S. Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment of high-risk, early-stage triple-negative breast cancer: results from the phase 1b open-label, multicohort KEYNOTE-173 study. Annals of Oncology 2020;31:569-81.

33. Semenec L, Vergara IA, Laloo AE, Petrovski S, Bond PL, Franks AE. Adaptive Evolution of Geobacter sulfurreducens in Coculture with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. mBio 2020;11.

34. Seymour JF, Marcus R, Davies A, Gallop-Evans E, Grigg A, Haynes A, Herold M, Illmer T, Nilsson-Ehle H, Sökler M, Dünzinger U, Nielsen T, Launonen A, Hiddemann W. Association of early disease progression and very poor survival in the GALLIUM study in follicular lymphoma: benefit of obinutuzumab in reducing the rate of early progression. Haematologica 2020;105:1465.

35. Smibert OC, Slavin MA, Teh B, Heriot AG, Penno J, Ismail H, Thursky KA, Worth LJ. Epidemiology and risks for infection following cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer 2020;28:2745-52.

36. Sonnenblick A, Salmon-Divon M, Salgado R, Dvash E, Pondé N, Zahavi T, Salmon A, Loibl S, Denkert C, Joensuu H, Ameye L, Van den Eynden G, Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL, Azaria A, Loi S, Michiels S, Richard F, Sotiriou C. Reactive stroma and trastuzumab resistance in HER2-positive early breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer 2020;147:266-76.

37. Subramanian DN, Zethoven M, McInerny S, Morgan JA, Rowley SM, Lee JEA, Li N, Gorringe KL, James PA, Campbell IG. Exome sequencing of familial high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma reveals heterogeneity for rare candidate susceptibility genes. Nature Communications 2020;11:1640.

38. Teras J, Kroon HM, Miura JT, Kenyon-Smith T, Beasley GM, Mullen D, Farrow NE, Mosca PJ, Lowe MC, Farley CR, Potdar A, Daou H, Sun J, Carr M, Farma JM, Henderson MA, Speakman D, Serpell J, Delman KA, Smithers BM, Barbour A, Tyler DS, Coventry BJ, Zager JS, Thompson JF. International Multicenter Experience of Isolated Limb Infusion for In-Transit Melanoma Metastases in Octogenarian and Nonagenarian Patients. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2020;27:1420-9.

39. Thejer BM, Adhikary PP, Kaur A, Teakel SL, Van Oosterum A, Seth I, Pajic M, Hannan KM, Pavy M, Poh P, Jazayeri JA, Zaw T, Pascovici D, Ludescher M, Pawlak M, Cassano JC, Turnbull L, Jazayeri M, James AC, Coorey CP, Roberts TL, Kinder SJ, Hannan RD, Patrick E, Molloy MP, New EJ, Fehm TN, Neubauer H, Goldys EM, Weston LA, Cahill MA. PGRMC1 phosphorylation affects cell shape, motility, glycolysis, mitochondrial form and function, and tumor growth. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology 2020;21:24.

40. Tino R, Moore R, Antoline S, Ravi P, Wake N, Ionita CN, Morris JM, Decker SJ, Sheikh A, Rybicki FJ, Chepelev LL. COVID-19 and the role of 3D printing in medicine. 3D Printing in Medicine 2020;6:11.

41. Ugurel S, Röhmel J, Ascierto PA, Becker JC, Flaherty KT, Grob JJ, Hauschild A, Larkin J, Livingstone E, Long GV, Lorigan P, McArthur GA, Ribas A, Robert C, Zimmer L, Schadendorf D, Garbe C. Survival of patients with advanced metastatic melanoma: The impact of MAP kinase pathway inhibition and immune checkpoint inhibition - Update 2019. European Journal of Cancer 2020;130:126-38.

42. Waters PS, Cheung FP, Peacock O, Heriot AG, Warrier SK, O'Riordain DS, Pillinger S, Lynch AC, Stevenson ARL. Successful patient-oriented surgical outcomes in robotic vs laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for cancer - a systematic review. Colorectal Disease 2020;22:488-99.

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